TCP vs UDP Protocol - A Comparison

May 05, 2022


TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are two of the most widely used protocols in computer networking. Both of these protocols are used to send data packets over the internet, but they have different methods of doing so.

In this post, we will compare TCP and UDP protocols based on their features, advantages, and disadvantages to help determine which one is better suited for different situations.

TCP vs UDP - What's the Difference?

One of the main differences between TCP and UDP is the method of transmission that they use. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that guarantees data delivery, while UDP is a connectionless protocol that does not guarantee data delivery.

TCP breaks large data files into smaller data packets and reassembles them at the receiving end. It ensures that all data packets are delivered in the correct order and with no errors. If any packet is dropped or lost, TCP will retransmit the packet until it’s delivered successfully.

On the other hand, UDP sends data packets directly to the receiver without checking for errors or retransmission of lost packets. This method is faster but can result in some data loss.

Advantages of TCP

  • Provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data.
  • Suitable for applications that require high reliability and accuracy.
  • Able to adjust the size of data packets for better performance.
  • Provides congestion control to prevent packet loss due to network congestion.

Advantages of UDP

  • Faster transmission speed
  • Lower latency
  • Better performance for real-time applications like video and audio streaming
  • Useful for situations where small amounts of data need to be sent in a very short amount of time

Disadvantages of TCP

  • Overhead due to error-checking and packet retransmission
  • Slower transmission speed than UDP
  • Not suitable for real-time applications or situations where data loss is acceptable.

Disadvantages of UDP

  • No error-checking or packet retransmission, potentially leading to data loss
  • Not suitable for applications that require high reliability or accuracy.

TCP vs UDP - Which One Should You Use?

Both TCP and UDP have advantages and disadvantages, and deciding which one to use will depend on the specific requirements of your application.

TCP is the preferred protocol for applications that require reliable data delivery and accuracy, such as email, e-commerce, and file transfer. It is also suitable for situations where the loss of data is unacceptable, such as database transactions or financial transactions.

UDP is the preferred protocol for applications that require real-time transmission of data, such as video and audio streaming, online gaming, and VoIP. It is also useful for situations where small amounts of data need to be sent quickly, such as DNS queries.


In conclusion, TCP and UDP are both important protocols that have their own strengths and weaknesses. TCP provides reliable data delivery and accuracy, making it ideal for applications that require high reliability like data-sensitive applications. UDP is faster and better suited for real-time applications that require a lower latency such as video and audio streaming.

In short, the choice between TCP and UDP ultimately depends on what you need for your specific application.


[1] "TCP/IP". Wikipedia. Available at

[2] "TCP vs UDP: What's the Difference?" Cloudflare. Available at

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